Goal - finding team strength with regression

There are 3 different regression methods I can think of to find team strength:

  1. https://www.basketball-reference.com/blog/index6aa2.html?p=8070
  2. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/blog/index4837.html?p=37
  3. https://www.kaggle.com/raddar/paris-madness

I'm going to try method 1 and 3 in this notebook.

Method 1:

Our goal is to find each team's strength. One possible way to do it is to create a linear equation for each game:

\begin{equation*} Team_i - Team_j = \Delta {Score} \end{equation*}

Where: \begin{equation*} \Delta {Score} = PointsScored_i - PointsScored_j \end{equation*}

$Team_i$ and $Team_j$ indicate the true strength of teams i and j respectively. Those are the variables we want to find. The $\Delta Score$ is the margin between the two team for the specific game - this is the dependent variable which we know.

It is also possible to separate the linear equation into offensive and defensive strength and thus double the number of unknowns. This is what they do in reference 1.

We need to decide how to treat home court advantage. There are 3 ways I can think of:

  1. Global home court advantage - this means that we add a home court advantage to each of the linear equations. This will be a global variable (i.e. not specific to a team).
  2. Team specific home court advantage - we add a home court variable to each team. In this case we will try and find 2 unknowns for each team (home court and true strength).
  3. Ignore home court advantage

Our linear equation is $\mathbf{y = Ax}$.

y is a vector of game scores: \begin{equation*} \begin{bmatrix} \Delta {Score}_1 \\ ... \\ \Delta {Score}_n \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

where n is the number of games played.

x is a vector of the unknown team true strength: \begin{equation*} \begin{bmatrix} Team_1 \\ ... \\ Team_m \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

where m is the number of teams.

The trick is how to encode A, which is an nm matrix, so we get the desired equations.
For each row we need to encode A in the following way:
} A_k = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if i} \\ -1 & \text{if j}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation*}

where i and j indicate teams i and j respectively and k indicates the row number.

Global home court variable

If we want to add a global home court advantage we can update our x vector to be: \begin{equation*} \begin{bmatrix} HC \\ Team_1 \\ ... \\ Team_m \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

and add a (1st) column to A where each row is 1 if $Team_i$ played home, -1 if $Team_j$ played at home or 0 if the game was at a neutral location.

Method 2:

I'll refer you to the link for a detailed explanation.

Method 3:

It is very similar to method 1 but in this case we are going to use logistic regression and instead of game margin as the dependent variable we will just use a binary indicator - 1 if $Team_i$ won the game otherwise 0.

We are trying to find the same vector x as before. Our matrix A will also be identical.

To gain a better intuition about what we are trying to optimize, we can look at the resulting probability for $Team_i$ to win a matchup against $Team_j$:

\begin{equation*} p = \frac{1}{1+{e}^{-(Team_i - Team_j)}} \end{equation*}

Let's look at 3 cases:

  1. $Team_i \gg Team_j$, the term in the exponent will be large and negative and we will get $p \approx 1$.
  2. $Team_i \ll Team_j$, the term in the exponent will be large and positive and we will get $p \approx 0$.
  3. $Team_i = Team_j$, we will get 0.5.

We are however, disregarding any win margin in this method as if we are saying that a win is a win regardless of margin.

Regression methodology

We are going to try and optimize the team strength from the regular season to predict the results of the NCAA tournament. To do so we are going to try Ridge and Lasson regression and find the best regularization parameter using cross validation.

Data Analysis:

In [50]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
import numpy as np
pd.options.display.max_rows = 200
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge,Lasso,LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML

display(HTML("<style>.container { width:65% !important; }</style>"))
%matplotlib inline

Load Data

This will allow us to easily load the relevant data

In [3]:
files = glob.glob('google-cloud-ncaa-march-madness-2020-division-1-mens-tournament/MDataFiles_Stage1/*')
file_dict = {f.split("\\")[-1].split(".")[0]:f for i,f in enumerate(files)}
for i in file_dict.keys():

We want the regular season results:

In [4]:
SeasonResults = pd.read_csv(file_dict['MRegularSeasonCompactResults'])
Season DayNum WTeamID WScore LTeamID LScore WLoc NumOT
0 1985 20 1228 81 1328 64 N 0
1 1985 25 1106 77 1354 70 H 0
2 1985 25 1112 63 1223 56 H 0
3 1985 25 1165 70 1432 54 H 0
4 1985 25 1192 86 1447 74 H 0
5 1985 25 1218 79 1337 78 H 0
6 1985 25 1228 64 1226 44 N 0
7 1985 25 1242 58 1268 56 N 0
8 1985 25 1260 98 1133 80 H 0
9 1985 25 1305 97 1424 89 H 0

We will also load the NCAA tournament result.

In [5]:
TourneyCompactResults = pd.read_csv(file_dict['MNCAATourneyCompactResults'])
TourneyCompactResults['TeamID1'] = np.minimum(TourneyCompactResults['WTeamID'],TourneyCompactResults['LTeamID'])
TourneyCompactResults['TeamID2'] = np.maximum(TourneyCompactResults['WTeamID'],TourneyCompactResults['LTeamID'])
TourneyCompactResults['result'] = np.where(TourneyCompactResults['WTeamID']==TourneyCompactResults['TeamID1'],1,0)
#TourneyCompactResults['ID'] = TourneyCompactResults['Season'].astype(str)+ '_' +TourneyCompactResults['TeamID1'].astype(str)+ '_' +TourneyCompactResults['TeamID2'].astype(str)

Regression - Method 1 & 3

In [56]:
def team_strength_regression(data,seasons,alpha=0.008,reg_type='Lasso',home=False,days=133,zscore=False):
    """Find the true team strength by adjusting for opponent and score. Computes the strength based on a single season.
    For each game we are trying to solve the following equation: team1_loc + team1 - team2 = team1_points - team2_points.
    data - pandas data frame with same structure as the Kaggle NCAA MRegularSeasonCompactResults or MNCAATourneyDetailedResults
    seasons - a list/array of seasons to compute the strength for
    alpha (default = 0.008) - the regularization parameter
    reg_type (default = Lasso) - 'Lasso', 'Ridge' or 'Logistic'
    home (default = False) - if True includes a global home court advanatge variable in the regression
    days (default = 133) - only includes games with DayNum < days. 
    zscore (default = False) - if True computes the zscore for each season
    team_strength = team_strength_regression(SeasonResults,np.arange(1985,2020),alpha=0.01,reg_type='Lasso')
    df_list = []
    for s in seasons:
        # get a single season at a time
        SingleSeason = data[(data['Season']==s) & (data['DayNum']<=days)].copy()
        # TeamID1 is always the team with the smaller team ID
        SingleSeason['TeamID1'] = np.minimum(SingleSeason['WTeamID'],SingleSeason['LTeamID'])
        SingleSeason['TeamID2'] = np.maximum(SingleSeason['WTeamID'],SingleSeason['LTeamID'])
        SingleSeason['Score'] = np.where(SingleSeason['WTeamID']==SingleSeason['TeamID1'],
        # maps location to number
        SingleSeason['LocN'] = SingleSeason['WLoc'].map({'H':1,'A':-1,'N':0})
        # home court for variable team 1 (1 for home, -1 for away and 0 if neutral)
        SingleSeason['Loc1'] = np.where(SingleSeason['WTeamID']==SingleSeason['TeamID1'],
        # find all of the unique teams
        unique_teams = pd.concat([SingleSeason['TeamID1'],SingleSeason['TeamID2']],axis=0).unique()
        # intialize the A matrix
        if home:
            A = np.zeros((len(SingleSeason),len(unique_teams)+1))
            A[:,-1] = SingleSeason['Loc1']
            A = np.zeros((len(SingleSeason),len(unique_teams)))
        # create a teamID and team index dictionary
        team_dict = dict(zip(unique_teams,np.arange(len(unique_teams))))
        # runs a loop for each game and encodes the matrix A
        for ii,idx in enumerate(zip(SingleSeason['TeamID1'].map(team_dict),SingleSeason['TeamID2'].map(team_dict))):
            A[ii,idx[0]] = 1
            A[ii,idx[1]] = -1
        y = SingleSeason['Score'].values
        if reg_type == 'Lasso':
            lin = Lasso(alpha=alpha);
        elif reg_type == 'Ridge':
            lin = Ridge(alpha=alpha);
        elif reg_type == 'Logistic':
            lin = LogisticRegression(C=1/alpha,fit_intercept=False,solver='lbfgs',max_iter=500);
            y = np.where(y>0,1,0)
            print('reg_type is not recognized. Using Lasso.')
            lin = Lasso(alpha=alpha);
        team_strength = pd.DataFrame(team_dict,index=['team_index']).T.reset_index().rename({'index':'TeamID'},axis=1).drop('team_index',axis=1)
        if home:
            if reg_type == 'Logistic':
                team_strength['strength'] = lin.coef_.ravel()[:-1]
                team_strength['home'] = lin.coef_.ravel()[-1]
                team_strength['strength'] = lin.coef_[:-1]
                team_strength['home'] = lin.coef_[-1]
            if reg_type == 'Logistic':
                team_strength['strength'] = lin.coef_.ravel()
                team_strength['strength'] = lin.coef_
        if zscore:
            mean_strength = team_strength['strength'].mean()
            std_strength = team_strength['strength'].std()
            team_strength['strength'] = (team_strength['strength'] - mean_strength)/std_strength
        team_strength['Season'] = s
    return pd.concat(df_list,ignore_index=True)

Let's try it out. I'll set the regularization to be really low which will be equivalent to Ordinary least squares Linear Regression. I'm also loading the teams data so we can inspect it by name.
I'm using zscore = True - which computes the zscore for every season. This will insure that the results are relative to other teams in the same season. The output units in this case are standard deviation above the mean.

In [36]:
teams = pd.read_csv(file_dict['MTeams'],usecols=['TeamID','TeamName'])
team_strength = team_strength_regression(SeasonResults,
team_strength_with_name = teams.merge(team_strength,on='TeamID')

We can look at the top teams from 1985-2019 season

In [35]:
TeamID TeamName strength home Season
2428 1181 Duke 3.349601 4.348102 1999
2430 1181 Duke 3.141127 4.378684 2001
4432 1246 Kentucky 3.097561 3.184573 2015
9948 1424 UNLV 3.087512 4.383940 1991
6884 1328 Oklahoma 3.044480 4.643256 1988
2427 1181 Duke 3.001867 4.060626 1998
4413 1246 Kentucky 2.983363 3.899327 1996
6505 1314 North Carolina 2.925891 4.074696 2005
3406 1211 Gonzaga 2.891163 3.099425 2019
4414 1246 Kentucky 2.876729 4.327347 1997
In [38]:

Visualize Results

I created a dashboard in Tableau to visualize a teams strength over time:

In [88]:
<div class='tableauPlaceholder' id='viz1588656250429' style='position: relative'><noscript><a href='#'><img alt=' ' src='https:&#47;&#47;public.tableau.com&#47;static&#47;images&#47;NC&#47;NCAAteamstrength&#47;Dashboard&#47;1_rss.png' style='border: none' /></a></noscript><object class='tableauViz'  style='display:none;'><param name='host_url' value='https%3A%2F%2Fpublic.tableau.com%2F' /> <param name='embed_code_version' value='3' /> <param name='site_root' value='' /><param name='name' value='NCAAteamstrength&#47;Dashboard' /><param name='tabs' value='no' /><param name='toolbar' value='yes' /><param name='static_image' value='https:&#47;&#47;public.tableau.com&#47;static&#47;images&#47;NC&#47;NCAAteamstrength&#47;Dashboard&#47;1.png' /> <param name='animate_transition' value='yes' /><param name='display_static_image' value='yes' /><param name='display_spinner' value='yes' /><param name='display_overlay' value='yes' /><param name='display_count' value='yes' /><param name='filter' value='publish=yes' /></object></div>                <script type='text/javascript'>                    var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1588656250429');                    var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0];                    if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 800 ) { vizElement.style.width='1000px';vizElement.style.height='827px';} else if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 500 ) { vizElement.style.width='1000px';vizElement.style.height='827px';} else { vizElement.style.width='100%';vizElement.style.height='727px';}                     var scriptElement = document.createElement('script');                    scriptElement.src = 'https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js';                    vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement);                </script>


Im going to try and find the best regularization parameter. The method I'm choosing is to calculate the team strength for different parameters and then run logistic regression on the strength difference between the teams to predict the NCAA tournament results.
I'm going to test it for a few seasons by training the logistic regression on all the seasons before the season at question and then testing the log loss score for that season. This is similar to Time-Series Cross-Validation.

For example:

  • train for all the seasons between 1985 and 2013 and predict 2014
  • train for all the seasons between 1985 and 2014 and predict 2015
  • etc.

I'm going to create a function to hypertune the model

In [76]:
def hypertune_model(reg_type,alphas,homes,zscores):
    # Define predictive model for the trounament with low regularization parameter 
    lr = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs',C=1000000,random_state=0,max_iter=1500)

    all_scores = []
    for zscore in zscores:
        for home in homes:
            for alpha in alphas:  
                # get team strength
                team_strength = team_strength_regression(SeasonResults,

                # join to tournament data
                TourneyResults = (TourneyCompactResults

                TourneyResults['strength_diff'] = TourneyResults['strength_x'] - TourneyResults['strength_y']

                cols = ['strength_diff']

                # define model variables
                X = TourneyResults.loc[:,cols]
                y = TourneyResults[['result']].values.ravel()

                # run cross validation
                scores = np.zeros((5,1))
                for ii,s in enumerate(range(2014,2019)):
                    idxTrain = (TourneyResults['Season'] < s) 
                    idxTest = (TourneyResults['Season'] == s)
                    # fit all models

                    ypred_lr = lr.predict_proba(X.loc[idxTest])

                    scores[ii,0] = log_loss(y[idxTest],ypred_lr[:,1])


    return pd.DataFrame(all_scores,columns=['zscore','home','alpha','log_loss_mean','log_loss_std'])   

Ridge Regression

I'm going to try a grid search on a few parameters to see which ones yields the best results on the test data

In [62]:
all_scores_df = hypertune_model('Ridge',[0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100],[False,True],[False,True])
In [63]:
# use this to highlight the minimum value - https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/style.html
def highlight_min(s):
    highlight the maximum in a Series yellow.
    is_min = s == s.min()
    return ['background-color: yellow' if v else '' for v in is_min]
In [64]:
zscore home alpha log_loss_mean log_loss_std
0 False False 0.001 0.549705 0.0414636
1 False False 0.01 0.549692 0.0414647
2 False False 0.1 0.549569 0.0414741
3 False False 1 0.548619 0.0414582
4 False False 10 0.551865 0.0387321
5 False False 100 0.588166 0.0323496
6 False True 0.001 0.549162 0.0399869
7 False True 0.01 0.549155 0.0399835
8 False True 0.1 0.549089 0.0399488
9 False True 1 0.548761 0.039533
10 False True 10 0.558743 0.0353229
11 False True 100 0.602036 0.0289713
12 True False 0.001 0.550154 0.042132
13 True False 0.01 0.550139 0.0421293
14 True False 0.1 0.549999 0.0421009
15 True False 1 0.5489 0.0417868
16 True False 10 0.551654 0.0383788
17 True False 100 0.587731 0.0317663
18 True True 0.001 0.549818 0.0407387
19 True True 0.01 0.549809 0.040733
20 True True 0.1 0.549725 0.0406757
21 True True 1 0.549242 0.0400891
22 True True 10 0.558724 0.0354915
23 True True 100 0.601817 0.0287516

Lasso Regression

In [73]:
all_scores_df2 = hypertune_model('Lasso',[0.001,0.002,0.004,0.008,0.016],[False,True],[False,True])
In [74]:
zscore home alpha log_loss_mean log_loss_std
0 False False 0.001 0.549031 0.0416238
1 False False 0.002 0.548442 0.0416927
2 False False 0.004 0.547319 0.0416859
3 False False 0.008 0.546306 0.0423778
4 False False 0.016 0.551118 0.0419727
5 False True 0.001 0.548509 0.0399868
6 False True 0.002 0.548018 0.0399782
7 False True 0.004 0.547927 0.0400741
8 False True 0.008 0.550062 0.0407204
9 False True 0.016 0.56028 0.0397972
10 True False 0.001 0.549466 0.0423643
11 True False 0.002 0.548861 0.0425223
12 True False 0.004 0.54769 0.0426924
13 True False 0.008 0.546565 0.0437606
14 True False 0.016 0.551263 0.0444069
15 True True 0.001 0.549166 0.0408685
16 True True 0.002 0.548661 0.040987
17 True True 0.004 0.548558 0.041361
18 True True 0.008 0.550653 0.0426055
19 True True 0.016 0.56081 0.0429843

The best result so far is the Lasso regression without zscore and home advantage variable and with a 0.008 regularization parameter.

Logistic Regression

In [77]:
 all_scores_df3 = hypertune_model('Logistic',[0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100],[False,True],[False,True])
In [78]:
zscore home alpha log_loss_mean log_loss_std
0 False False 0.001 0.578268 0.0334135
1 False False 0.01 0.570982 0.0308209
2 False False 0.1 0.565409 0.0290306
3 False False 1 0.568223 0.0207406
4 False False 10 0.607005 0.00964444
5 False False 100 0.633217 0.00844086
6 False True 0.001 0.581161 0.0319527
7 False True 0.01 0.573997 0.0278307
8 False True 0.1 0.569932 0.0249388
9 False True 1 0.583728 0.0160858
10 False True 10 0.631672 0.0070408
11 False True 100 0.650116 0.00597512
12 True False 0.001 0.57845 0.03326
13 True False 0.01 0.571325 0.0305801
14 True False 0.1 0.565462 0.0287155
15 True False 1 0.567926 0.0204353
16 True False 10 0.606475 0.00965828
17 True False 100 0.632403 0.00843415
18 True True 0.001 0.582715 0.0328544
19 True True 0.01 0.575477 0.0282869
20 True True 0.1 0.570783 0.0250404
21 True True 1 0.583856 0.0159188
22 True True 10 0.631249 0.00711013
23 True True 100 0.649327 0.00607005

This method is not as good. Not surprising given the fact that we reduced the game result to a binary variable on purpose.

Compare to other ranking methods

Let's see how many tournament games it predicts correctly if we choose the higher rank team to win.

I'm going to call my ranking method SHAr

Note: the regression methods I hypertunned used the data we are checking which gives an unfair advantage. An apple to apples comparison would be to tune the regression on earlier data and test all the methods on the last few years. The disadvantage of that method is that there is much less data to compare outcomes.

In [79]:
ranking = pd.read_csv(file_dict['MMasseyOrdinals'])
rank_methods = ['COL','DOL','MOR','POM','RTH','SAG','WLK','WOL']
team_rank = (ranking[(ranking['RankingDayNum']==133)&(ranking['SystemName'].isin(rank_methods))]
In [82]:
# TourneyCompactResults = pd.read_csv(file_dict['MNCAATourneyCompactResults'])

team_strength = team_strength_regression(SeasonResults,

data = team_rank.merge(team_strength,on=['Season','TeamID'],how='left')

TourneyResults = (TourneyCompactResults

rdata = TourneyResults[TourneyResults['Season']>2002].copy()
rdata['POMr'] = np.where(rdata['POM_y']>rdata['POM_x'],1,0)
rdata['SAGr'] = np.where(rdata['SAG_y']>rdata['SAG_x'],1,0)
rdata['COLr'] = np.where(rdata['COL_y']>rdata['COL_x'],1,0)
rdata['DOLr'] = np.where(rdata['DOL_y']>rdata['DOL_x'],1,0)
rdata['MORr'] = np.where(rdata['MOR_y']>rdata['MOR_x'],1,0)
rdata['RTHr'] = np.where(rdata['RTH_y']>rdata['RTH_x'],1,0)
rdata['WLKr'] = np.where(rdata['WLK_y']>rdata['WLK_x'],1,0)
rdata['WOLr'] = np.where(rdata['WOL_y']>rdata['WOL_x'],1,0)
rdata['SHAr'] = np.where(rdata['strength_x']>rdata['strength_y'],1,0)
g = rdata.groupby('Season')[['POMr','SAGr','COLr','DOLr','MORr','RTHr','WLKr','WOLr','SHAr']].mean()
rank_summary = pd.DataFrame(g.mean(),columns=['PCT_CORRECT'])
SHAr 0.716967
POMr 0.715170
MORr 0.713414
SAGr 0.712371
DOLr 0.707817
WLKr 0.707103
WOLr 0.707062
RTHr 0.706102
COLr 0.701589

Method by Tournament round

In [87]:
# use this to highlight the minimum value - https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/style.html
def highlight_max(s):
    highlight the maximum in a Series yellow.
    is_max = s == s.max()
    return ['background-color: yellow' if v else '' for v in is_max]

round_dict = {136:'1: 1st',
              137:'1: 1st',
              138:'2: 2nd',
              139:'2: 2nd',
              143:'3: S16',
              144:'3: S16',
              145:'4: E8',
              146:'4: E8',
              152:'5: F4',
              154:'6: CG'}

rdata['Round'] = rdata['DayNum'].map(round_dict)
round_agg = (rdata[(rdata['Season']<=2019)&(rdata['DayNum']>=136)]

1: 1st 0.759191 0.744485 0.740809 0.742647 0.748162 0.748162 0.746324 0.744485 0.746324
2: 2nd 0.724265 0.746324 0.724265 0.724265 0.716912 0.735294 0.746324 0.720588 0.735294
3: S16 0.669118 0.698529 0.683824 0.676471 0.676471 0.676471 0.691176 0.669118 0.698529
4: E8 0.529412 0.5 0.485294 0.485294 0.544118 0.485294 0.441176 0.529412 0.529412
5: F4 0.647059 0.617647 0.676471 0.735294 0.647059 0.647059 0.617647 0.617647 0.676471
6: CG 0.647059 0.588235 0.529412 0.588235 0.705882 0.529412 0.529412 0.764706 0.764706

Is my ranking method better at predicting the NCAA tournament compared to other ranking methods?
It is hard to tell because I tunned the regularization parameter on the same data that we are predicting. So I'm probably overfitting the data. If this results hold up over the next few years without modifying the regression parameters then maybe I can claim that.

In [ ]:


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